I’m thinking about starting a self hosting setup, and my first thought was to install k8s (k3s probably) and containerise everything.

But I see most people on here seem to recommend virtualizing everything with proxmox.

What are the benefits of using VMs/proxmox over containers/k8s?

Or really I’m more interested in the reverse, are there reasons not to just run everything with k8s as the base layer? Since it’s more relevant to my actual job, I’d lean towards ramping up on k8s unless there’s a compelling reason not to.

  • FancyGUI@lemmy.fancywhale.ca
    2 years ago

    I’d suggest looking into k8s. It’s definitely a bit more complex on the start, but so much more power once you get to the details. VMs you don’t share the base OS layer and the hardware, you have to pre-define the resources you need per app in a more constrained manner, while containers can move freely in their little sandbox to pickup whatever it needs.

    It is also much easier to manage replicas, upgrades, scale and a bunch of other things once you are using containers and an orchestrator like Kubernetes. Let me know if you need any help/insights. I’ve been trying to post more videos/answers about things that could be complicated.