I am in the process of setting up a home server, and I am struggling to decide. I have previously used yunohost but in the meantime, freedom box has matured quite a bit. I have also looked at Tipi.
The use case right now is, running a wireguard server and probably some notes of sorts (to be decided). A web GUI for management and updating would be much desired.
Disclaimer: I don’t have too much surplus of energy, due to a hectic life, so I would prefer something easy and without the requirement of docker/kubernettes
- Yunohost: https://yunohost.org/
- Freedombox: http://freedombox.org/
- Tipi: https://runtipi.io/
I will run on a Gigabyte Brix with:
- AMD Ryzen 4300U (4 core)
- 16 maybe 32 GB RAM
- 512GB SSD
I am open to other suggestions.
P.S. I apologise if this has been debated before, but I have not really found anything.
Thank you in advance
Thank you for your input. The reason why I want a Wireguard server, is to have a secure tunnel into my growing gadgets, NAS, rpi and now a server. Using a platform would open up options to ease future deployment, or testing of services/applications.
If all I needed was a Wireguard server, I might have picked up another rpi and USB RJ45 dongle. I just wanted a server so I wasn’t restricting myself, and offering the wireguard some extra power.