Not that I use them anymore anyway, cancelling my old account, but name and shame any companies who conveniently can’t support their free base. Also - it’s VNC. It’s a protocol. There’s a dozen free clients out there.
Not that I use them anymore anyway, cancelling my old account, but name and shame any companies who conveniently can’t support their free base. Also - it’s VNC. It’s a protocol. There’s a dozen free clients out there.
This was the catalyst I needed to switch to self hosting rustdesk. It was a bit of a pain setting up, but people comfortable with cli would handle it much better than I did.
This looks nice, but stupid they put things like ldap behind a paywall when every other service includes it for free.
Every other service: “oh yeah, oops” scratches that feature off the free plan
You: “no wait not like that”
It’s just weird that it’s… half open source and half not. Other services are simply open source. I don’t know why they bother having the free one be open source if half of the code is paywalled