If you scroll down a couple of posts, you’ll see the daily driver I’ve been using for a year or so. This is the next stage in the journey.
I’ve made it a single board, as I got annoyed with the two side moving independently. It might have been fixed by simply adding more weight, but that wouldn’t be as fun as a new build!
I’ve kept the key positions the same as before, however moved to columns of two keys instead of three. I’ve basically removed the home row. To get to the home row, you’d simply press both top and bottom together. So it should lead to less finger travel, but I’m interested to find out how well it works in practice.
That was my first thought too, however it seems to be used effectively by Ben Vallack on his 16 key board, and the concept is also used in stenography.
If you scroll down a couple of posts, you’ll see the daily driver I’ve been using for a year or so. This is the next stage in the journey.
I’ve made it a single board, as I got annoyed with the two side moving independently. It might have been fixed by simply adding more weight, but that wouldn’t be as fun as a new build!
I’ve kept the key positions the same as before, however moved to columns of two keys instead of three. I’ve basically removed the home row. To get to the home row, you’d simply press both top and bottom together. So it should lead to less finger travel, but I’m interested to find out how well it works in practice.
Would you be able to link to that post? I can’t see it on your profile.
here you go.
There are issues with lemmy.world at the moment, so I’m using a second account on lemmy.ml.
i have a similar board with a qwerty layer that works the same way. it works well, but has some issues with games
Interesting idea… Though that does seem annoying to reliably execute.
That was my first thought too, however it seems to be used effectively by Ben Vallack on his 16 key board, and the concept is also used in stenography.
I’ll have to take a look at Ben Vallack, I’ve not heard of him before