(crossposting, because i think it can be interesting here too)

I like my video collection nicely organized and omogeneous as formats, codecs and resolution.

I know there are already pleanty of solutions like Tidarr, but i find them a bit too much for my needs, and also pretty complex to use.

I wrote a simpler approach in a bash script called “Media Fixer”, the URL is at the top of this post.

Feel free to check it out, play with it. I hope it can be useful for others as well as me.

It’s released under the GPLv3.

  • N0x0n@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Very cool and nice share !!

    I’m also an organize freak and also have my own bash script to loop over my files and encode everything to AV1 :).

    While my script is ugly as fuck (not a coder here so I’m doing what I can XD) it works and fills my need.

    I won’t use your script directly, however I will take inspiration of your bash script code ! That’s okay I guess?

    Thanks for sharing with the community !!