Hi! I want to selfhost a minecraft server for my kid and hjs friends. I havent played minecraft in quite a few years …
Where do I start to self host one?
I am already seflhosting lost of stuff from 'Arrs to Jellyfin and Immich and more, so I am not asking on how to do it technically, but where to look for and what to host for a proper Minecraft server!
Edit: choosed to setup this https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-bedrock-server and so far, super smooth and easy peasy!
Java edition is easy to selfhost, did it as a docker stack a while ago. Apart from that, it really depends on what addons etc. your players are usually playing. Most things can be done with not too much effort, but that’s probably the thing you need to find out.
Additionally, there’s are some pretty nice free plugins for Java Minecraft server (e.g. Deluge) that allow Bedrock users to play on it too - from a PC, Xbox, PlayStation, phone, or whatever.
Bedrock edition also has a docker stack and is easy to self host. You can play bedrock edition cross platform. If your kids already have Minecraft on a switch or Xbox or something like that, they can still play on that.