I like how the idea of Google shutting down Gmail isn’t even far-fetched, it’s just something everybody can get behind. Google will shut it down one day
I think Gmail, chat, and maybe calendar are unlikely to be discontinued because they’re really heavily used internally.
Chat? It’s on its 7th iteration or something. That’s definitely not a safe feature.
Yeah, but it’s not crazy ridiculous that people wouldn’t consider it.
Of course it is. People have really fixated on this “Google kills products” meme way, way beyond reality
Gmail is load-bearing software for, like, Western civilization at this point
Which chat? There’s been too many shut down.
Google also presumably also gets soooooo much information for targeted ads from mining people’s email
nah… some national/international entity would step in. would be absurd to lose the Gmail accounts
Microsoft had to keep hotmail open for 10 years more than they wanted lol
Whatever you do, DO NOT hit that expand button
The forbidden button…
Mobile friendly version:
https://m.xkcd.com/2822/THE. LAST. EMAIL.
somewhere someone is trying to mail @.com
I don’t get it.
“*” means wildcard, kind of like the wild in Uno. This means that the email is going to be sent to every single person with @gmail in their address. That’s a lot of people.
I get that part, just not the rest. (Well I do now, thanks to the other replies)
I appreciate your help, though.
I’m pretty sure it’s referencing this