Ha! That’s pretty good, and probably very accurate.
Ha! That’s pretty good, and probably very accurate.
That’s already happening. Posts from my friends are seldom, and progressively less meaningful. Most are just shares of some dumbass sponsored content. Conversation is dead. But this is a big one, Facebook has AI users now that can keep up the appearance of a thriving site indefinitely, duping advertisers out of billions.
MySpace was sold to News Corp for $580 million dollars. Then they purged everyone’s accounts, all their blogs, posts, pictures, everything. Talk about not knowing what they bought. Serious WTF. Users could submit a form and get some but not all of their profile back. One year later MySpace was worth an estimated $35 million. It was the worst tech acquisition until Twitter. This all coincided with Facebook opening up to the public and becoming more popular. So it’s not exactly that MySpace just collapsed, Rupert Murdoch killed it.
Ah, I have that on my desktop. It’s a pretty great plug-in. Unfortunately I haven’t found an equivalent for Firefox Android, and I do almost all of my browsing from my phone. I work from home at my desk for 8-10 hours per day, 5 days per week, so the last thing I want to do after I get off work is to sit at my desktop computer some more. Facebook is also pushing so much junk that it really decreased the amount of stuff people share, so it’s kind of a hollow shell of what it used to be. After you purge the sponsored content, there’s not much left. It really shows how fake the whole platform is now. Zuck is making billions of dollars pushing sponsored content to other content sponsors.
A couple things you may not have considered about Facebook.
It’s horrible for keeping up with friends and family now. 95% of your feed is sponsored content crap that you didn’t agree to see, and can’t get rid of. Facebook does not want to show you what little content friends and family are still sharing.
You are probably not as private as you think you are. Your account is private, but everything you say on other people’s posts who do not have a private account is public.
The main deficiency is niche and hobby communities, they’re mostly empty or missing on Lemmy.
It’s just ignorance. Yes it sounds hateful because we understand the pain this type of thinking has caused throughout history. They don’t. They don’t understand other perspectives, and in their minds they are the embodiment of America, so any other perspectives are “the others”. Trying to give them a history lesson, or engaging them on any sort of intellectual level is likely to push them away, they’ll feel like you think you’re smarter than them, and you’re belittling them. What they really need is to spend some time with people of other ethnicities. The Army was absolutely fantastic exposure for me and a lot of my Army brothers. We all entered Basic Training as ignorant little boys who thought we understood things, and left as men with an actual understanding of other people’s lives. Sharing hardship with people who aren’t like you is such an amazing opportunity for personal growth. Of course this isn’t really something you can offer them, so unfortunately I don’t have any answers for you. A lot of times these types of people will stay locked into this mindset unless something happens that forces them out of it. The best I can say is to try to remember that it’s probably not actually hate, and try to educate them little by little, sharing diverse perspectives with them.
This type of speech usually isn’t hate, it’s extreme ignorance. These statements were commonplace 25 years ago. I’m guessing these people are middle aged? They grew up hearing this stuff, and haven’t traveled or had diverse enough experiences to actually think about the viewpoints they’re parroting, and evaluate them on any sort of meaningful level. This is a perfect example where an education, or diverse interactions would almost certainly “cure” them.
For attracting new users, the extreme views of the majority of users on this platform are detrimental. I personally very much dislike how one-sided all platforms are now. They lean heavily to one side or the other, which isn’t an accurate representation of the world. Most people are somewhere in the middle, yet online they’re expected to behave according to the platform’s presiding mindset or be shouted down.
Likewise. The following day as well for me. Oh, and the day after that too. I didn’t return to my regular routine until today.
Nothing. It’s gimmicky and boring.
It took me about 3 weeks to surpass my regular typing speed on the Kinesis, but I never had any issues going back to a regular keyboard. The only fucked up thing was changing keybinds for games, since I can’t reach some of them on the Kinesis with the split keywells. Then if I play on a different computer none of the binds match. I’m sure I could program another layer on the Kinesis to overcome the mismatch, but I never took the time to learn about all of its amazing features.
I have that same keyboard. I love it! I got one for my wife too, and she loves it as well. But unlike me, she struggles going back and forth between that and a regular keyboard.
The easiest way to make it quieter is to press the keys less hard. Unlike bubble dome keyboards, you don’t have to press mechanical keys all the way down.
Uh oh, some MPs are about to get sued.
It’s not a slippery slope. It’s a cliff.
Basically: “hey guys, your group is treating us badly, would you mind listening to us instead of just saying that you’re not treating us badly?”
Well, say that then. Saying “don’t post here so much if you’re white” is just more racism.
It’s not racism if it’s against white people. That has been the established rule for a while now. The claim is that black people don’t have the power to enact systemic oppression, so anything they do isn’t racism, it’s a response to racism.
You made the accusation, the burden of proof is on you. Here’s what’s going to happen when you ask complete strangers who aren’t vested in what I imagine you think is activism to pour through millions of posts to find behavior you claim exists:
Honestly, with the power these companies have now, it could realistically be all 3 of your options, and they would still profit immensely and face no accountability.