From a security perspective, it isn’t ideal, but a simple unencrypted external drive might be the best solution.
From a security perspective, it isn’t ideal, but a simple unencrypted external drive might be the best solution.
I have good luck self-hosting on a Raspberry Pi and on a Linode Nanode server.
Technically fair point. I stand corrected. I understood OP to want an obscure algo to surface “interesting” content with no need for user interaction. I’m adamantly opposed to injecting that nonsense here.
Thanks for this link. I keep getting the sort orders confused despite having it explained well multiple times.
Technically fair point. I stand corrected.
I understood OP to be pining for an obscured algorithm that surfaces “Interesting” content. I have zero desire for any of that nonsense here. It’s part of the reason that I’m adamantly opposed to federation with Facebook (when they finally figure out how to do it).
Oh? How so?
It’s my understanding that there is no algorithm. View only your subscriptions, only communities on your local instance, or the entire fediverse. Sort them however you want. Mix it up to find what makes you happy.
All that said, I personally would like to avoid seeing any account less than, say a week old. Maybe a filter coded into the interface would work.
Oh, I agree on all points. My post wasn’t clear. I meant to say that if algorithms were available at all, they would eventually be forced on everyone due to making moderations easier by reducing the number of posts that are actually seen. Hence the only rational approach being to never develop them in the first place.
The problem is, as we’ve seen repeatedly with the corporate “social” media platforms, algorithms will eventually be turned on by default with no way to turn them off. The only rational path, to my mind, is to never turn them on in the first place.
Excellent point. I suspect that there already are Reddit operatives here trying to stir up FUD. In fact, that’s what I think this OP is.
Dude, you’ve really got a h****n for algorithms, don’t you?
…the post that go into it depend on the people you follow
Yes. Exactly. That’s right.
I was going to just let it go, but it’s late and my patience is exhausted.
…be very careful about statements like this.
Or what? You’ll have your dad beat up my dad?
So you’re just going to ignore any inconvenient points and glom onto my agreement that this issue is a small concern? You think that constitutes “winning”?
TBH, if you need to win an argument with an internet stranger that badly, I’m happy to oblige?
Who are these people that are smarter than us? Do you know them? What are their qualifications?
I don’t know and I don’t need to know. They are clearly capable of reading sources that are authoritative (e.g. EFF) and applying a modicum of logic and common sense. Their response is rational rather than breathless and dramatic moral panic.
Did you not consider that not everyone is subject to American law…?
Of course there are countries other than the US. International safe harbor exists for a reason. Can you name one country that doesn’t have a safe harbor provision for web site hosts? Just one.
Did you not consider [that] most [instances] do not fall under American law?
It would be interesting to know how many Lemmy instances don’t fall under US law. I don’t know. Do you? Based on which source?
How come that every Lemmy admin who replied to this post expressed their concern regarding this issue? Explain to me why admins like sunasaurus and db0 are working on tools and solutions to address this problem if, according to you, this is not a concern.
So that’s two who are working on tools. Not panicked and not viewing this as a giant problem. Two out of thousands. It’s an exceptionally low percentage and not even remotely statistically significant.
Are you REALLY SURE that this is NOT a concern?
A concern? Sure. Is anyone going to prison if they don’t bow to your demands right now as you’ve suggested up and down this thread? Unlikely.
What is your usual account? Why are you hiding? Do you plan to plant evidence and then call the authorities?
It wasn’t the only reason I left FB, but it was on the list.
I’m not concerned because people smarter than us have said it isn’t a concern. So long as they preserve their safe harbor shield, instance admins are not generally liable for content posted by users.
If you’re not just trolling, what is your main account?
Nah. Where’s the drama and FUD in behaving like adults? Much better to make a brand new account and spam moral panic all over the fediverse. /smh
If you’re encrypting locally, a free Nextcloud provider would probably do the trick. Use one in Europe for better privacy rights.