Is that not how this is already being implemented?
Is that not how this is already being implemented?
Weird seeing you again, and seeing you say this, after you quickly resorted to name-calling over a disagreement in another thread just 20 minutes ago. Do you really not think that you’re a member of the half you refer to? I’m not so sure you actually want “diversity of opinions” or “normal people” if that’s been your response so far. This seems like a reasonable instance for Fedia to block.
If you have to break your message up into 13+ posts, maybe you should consider posting to a different platform. Mastodon - and microblogging in general, but specifically Mastodon - is terrible for this type of communication.
I don’t think it’s that we want “big” communities, necessarily, as much as we want active communities. For instance, if there’s a niche game I want to talk about, it’s currently a roll of the dice whether or not there’s a Lemmy community for it, and then if it does exist already then it’s pretty much guaranteed to see 2, maybe 3 posts per week, tops.
That’s really the only thing I miss about Reddit, being able to pretty much always have a discussion on any topic you’d want, at any given time.
Being able to open a thread and pick up OP’s avatar off the ground and watch his little legs kick.
Because this is the average user.
I guess my private server and open source appview conntected to the ATprotocol are a conspiracy theory then?
No, but they exist at the whim of Bluesky. Having multiple endpoints on your network doesn’t make it decentralized, if every endpoint is controlled by a single entity. This is an important distinction, because Bluesky can prevent a specific instance from interacting with the entire ATProto network, something which is not possible on ActivityPub, as there is no such authority who can completely shut down anybody else’s instance.
Bluesky is not decentralized, stop calling it that.
Government entities generally follow the principle of “We go where the people go”. If the majority of people are using Twitter and YouTube and Facebook, then that’s where the government bodies will host their accounts. You’d need a way to ensure that their message will reach their audience before you can even begin getting them onboard with the process of creating and setting up a whole new social platform. And that’s going to be the hardest part to sell, since Mastodon is still among the least-used platforms available. Either show up with the critical mass needed to ensure that they’ve got an established user base, or show a plan to reach that point.
Kbin/Mbin handle microblog posts kinda oddly. They’re not actually attached to the magazine you see them in, in most cases, and it’s instead *bin auto-sorting posts by hashtag. *bin will aggregate all of the microblog content and sort it by the first hashtag listed, and that’ll determine which local magazine that post will appear in.
So for instance, I could post:
Just got the high score! #gaming
And this will show up in /m/gaming for you, even though I didn’t specify any magazine to post it to. I could do that from my Mastodon account, even, and you’d see it there, as well. You can subscribe to local magazines to effectively subscribe to Mastodon hashtags this way.
Posting microblog content directly to a magazine is a bit weird, as *bin basically just adds a “hidden” hashtag with the magazine’s full address in the metadata. So if you wanted to post a microblog post to this magazine, for instance, you could do that by either selecting this magazine from the list when posting, or you could include as a hashtag from any Fediverse platform, and it’ll show up in the microblog tab on *bin.
I hope that makes sense; I might not be explaining it properly lol
I think you’re underestimating who “we” includes when talking about the Fediverse. Normies want a place here, too.
Because wanting braindead content that you don’t have to think about or form a critical opinion over is a valid request. There’s a big reason the Fediverse doesn’t see widespread adoption: the content sucks, it’s all politics from the farther edges of every end of the spectrum and FOSSbro tech discussion that’s about as insufferable as cryptobro subreddits.
If the Fediverse wants to attract more people, then it needs to start expanding into what those other people actually want. They don’t want to have a furry with a Stalin profile pic explain Linux kernel to them, they want to laugh at inconsequential videos of children falling into things that they can leave a “heart” on and quickly share a link to their friend with.
How did you get a .law TLD for this? I thought ICANN had this one restricted to verified law firms?
Bruh. You said you wanted to shoot him. Do you know how triggering that is to people who have suffered actual gun violence? Or does triggering PTSD victims only matter when it’s convenient to your own narrative?
You’re 100% in the wrong here.
Weird that you would link to a thread where you tell somebody “I hope you die soon” as if it somehow defends your position. Not only are you trivializing actual rape with this smoothbrained take, but you’re being a bully to OP for absolutely no reason. You’re not the good guy here.
Mbin is a fork of Kbin. A lot of users have moved from Kbin instances to Mbin, as the Kbin dev has had some personal life issues that have interfered with his ability to reliably work on the project.
The original Kbin dev is Polish, so English is likely a second language for him. Also, it’s still very early in development, so a lot of terminology put in use are likely placeholders until something more natural-sounding could be finalized.
But it does have a shortage of content. So there’s a trade-off.