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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • I have like a huge pile of letters from some twat lawyers sending threatening letters about copyright.

    The sad thing is most people I asked say “I would pay”. This was like more than 10 years ago when I first got some of them.

    The Pirate Party in Finland tried informing people of them being just threats, but Finns are really complicit people and afraid of breaking any rules, so I’m sure these twat lawyers made thousand, tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands. With Finland’s tiny 5m population.


    Basically what happens is some company in Germany which owns the rights to some B-class show or just a porn film even, then they upload it to an open torrent site. Wait for people to download it (remember the didn’t give permission to download it), look at the IP’s, then send the respective country in EU a request for the ISP to get that IP owner’s information and then hire a local lawyer to send them a threatening letter; “you’ve illegally downloaded a porn movie, pay us 800€ or we’ll take you to court and you’ll have to pay tens of thousands.”

    And if that goes to someone married or someone who downloaded fetish porn or something, they’ll be even more likely to pay.

    I never replied or did jack shit. Nothing has happened.