New account since went down, other @Deebsters are available.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • That would be good - I often want to see what an unfamiliar instance is about by checking out their homepage sidebar and local communities and currently it’s several clicks and involves going directly to the site, effectively logging me out. At least the new versions have the new feature that sends you back to your home instance to subscribe.

    The only plus is that sometimes the remote instance has interesting styles or other customisations that I wouldn’t see unless i visited properly.

  • It’s a very different kind of beast, but I’m very much enjoying it so far. Linking things is definitely Joplin’s weak point whereas this is a core strength for logseq.

    I often used bullet points in my Joplin notes, so having that as the default works for me too. However, since Op has said they want plain text notes Obsidian seems like a better fit (although logseq does save pages as text it’s not what it feels like in use).