Then yes, we want an echo chamber. Happy? You’re still defending scum, no matter the semantics.
Then yes, we want an echo chamber. Happy? You’re still defending scum, no matter the semantics.
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There is a difference already tho.
Early reddit didn’t have a gigantic metric fuckload of meme and shitpost users. We do now.
Reddit with their “subscriber” counts
Who cares your community has 100000 subs. 90000 of them are duplicates or gone.
Hell, I would even dare say, the best way to do it is to have the API be free up to a certain usage, at which point it becomes paid. Then the price scales down as you get even more and more usage.
This allows newcomers to the app space to get their footing, and punishes people trying to automate vote bots while rewarding established devs.
If there’s one place where I think the wrong Reddit attitude is starting to crop up is the anti/pro sync discourse that’s going on.
People are even outright lying about apps. Such as claiming other apps have toms of bugs, meanwhile, I’m trying out sync and there’s a comment sorting bug if you switch to top, some comments show up isolated when they’re a reply to something else, and even have several lines coming off from nowhere if you turn on colored indentations. Never seen this anywhere else, not even on Jerboa which is the oldest and generally least stable. Another bug, although this one I’ve seen, is that Sync doesn’t properly list all self-posts on the profile pages. Meanwhile, sync IS the most feature rich, and others are denying it. One example, Sync not just has an actual toggle for in-comment media preloading (they called them emotes for some reason), they even let you toggle specific services on generic link handling.
What I did here, is what those people don’t. Give specifics. This tribalism is peak upvote downvote fighting style characteristic of big /r/all communities on reddit and I hate it. Garbage threads.
Thank you prolific poster person
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I have no expectation behind wolf’s actual mental impairment the same way the N word would expect it, since it exclusively only targets black people. So no, I shouldn’t use it, but using it doesn’t justify any other slur the way you imply, either lighter or worse.
And with that said, I’ll use it anyways. Because, fuck it, I despise people like that, double down time. Someone should take anyone who makes antivaxxer media or argues antivaxxer rethoric and institutionalize them IN THE MORGUE.
Darkwolf in the explain pages is a fucking retard. And he earned the slur. Antivaxxers are plague spreaders.
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I find it has a lot of Discoverability issues. A lot.
But I don’t actually know if Firefish solves it. I know it is a fork of Misskey, so by default it should have galleries and text search, but I’ll figure out when I try it later today.
I am not the right person to give advice on this matter, but I just want to wish you good luck.
It’s possible they already compiled a number of ideas for these and it’s the only reason why they started it. I mean, it shows someone inside is happy with their work and wants to talk about it. At least that’s what I’m hoping.
I’ve tried others.
All of them preload images in posts AND comments.
Some of them let you disable it for posts.
None let you disable it for comments.
I do not use others. Voyager is the best.
Yes, that was the decisive aspect. Fuck preloading images. I do not deign a comment more worth the screenspace just because someone posted an image link, I consider it app-breaking bloat. And man, I like some bloat. I’d be cool with voyager loading avatars or tables if they wanted. Just not things that break the flow of text.
(… I do have Thunder installed just in case they make it a setting. I like the interface.)
It’s interesting how Lemmy shows active users before subscribing. Even reddit shows “readers” (people currently online), but people hyperfocus on subscribers (which can be dead accounts).
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Honestly, the whole thing with them trying to be a hub for eSports will probably blow higher when some categories that actually gave a high presence of LGBTQ+ players ends up getting a high profile event there.
I mean fighting games. Lots of people of varied gender, sex and color in there. I can’t think of something more than that other than Speedrunning.
Basically, yeah, I think people make noise over this, but the noise would get louder if a lot of top participants and most spectators are directly affected by it and make that elephant impossible to ignore.
I had an argument with people in regards to the shards on Turbo. They just wouldn’t believe that so many of them were broken even if they did show in the interface.
Well, that’s that then. Thanks for the fix.
Step 1: Don’t engage them, no room for their rhetoric.
You are to fuck off, and take your crypto and your blue line flags with you on the way out.