For virtualization.
For virtualization.
Personally I dislike writing useless tests. I use test as a development tool (it’s easier to implement some DB operations for example by writing tests than performing some actions manually) and to test logic that can actually fail because of changes in other part of the code withouts me noticing. Testing thinks like “button calls click() method when clicked” is IMHO pointless. If someone can change this code and push to prod without testings manually or doing code review they can also disable the test without anyone noticing.
I’m thinking about moving to Korea. Not forever but for a year or two. Learn the language, get to know the culture, disconnect for a bit and come back to EU. How’s the IT job market there? Is it doable?
Honestly I don’t get the entire concept of spending tracking apps. I believe in the end it just a hobby that some obsessive personality types enjoy with no real value behind it. Saving money is super easy: don’t buy things you don’t need. What I do is I make a meal plan for the week and only buy things needed to prepare them. I buy basic ingredients like vegetables, rice, chicken, eggs. If I need thinks like shampoo, detergent and stuff I compare the prices in the store and get the cheaper option. How would following all my expenses help me save any meaningful amount of money? For me you either don’t care about money and just buy everything you like or you simply make sure you don’t buy things you don’t need. Why would you need an app for that?
And going back to your example, I can cover all this with really simple spreadsheet. Monthly expenses: mortgage, car, spotify, netflix, insurance, VPS, bills, food… Why would I need an app for that? I think there could be some use in an app that specifically tracks entertainment subscriptions. I could have centralized info about current prices and free periods so you would just have to tell it when you signed up and for what plan and it could tell you when the next payment will be and what it will be. Still not very useful but IMHO way more useful than an app that tells you what’s your mortgage.
While I agree that mortgage is a monthly payment I highly doubt anyone would forget they signed up for it wouldn’t know they are paying it. Same with insurance. Bank app handles regular payments. This is more about the small charges that are hard to track.
Out of curiosity, what do you use it for? What things do you save there?
At this point YT is more like TV: you make some content, YT uses it to show ads, you get part of the profits. If you just want to share some content with people there are many ways to do it. If you want earn money doing it there’s really just the ad supported big social networks. Open source solutions have their uses but can’t really compete with YT.
OK, it’s just not what enshitification means. I don’t like the term but if you’re using it wrong it’s just confusing.
Did LastPass do anything besides charge for it service?
Code is completely separate from the community. Community is formed by people and code is just bunch of instructions. What if a fascist forks your projects and adds features to it? It your code fascists now? Does your community support fascists? Of course not. And if a fascist submits a patch to your project and you accept it it does not mean you’re collaborating with fascists now and your projects is tainted. That’s just absurd. “You’re a bad person so I will not merge this bugfix, I will write the exact same fix by myself so that my code stays pure”.
Interesting point. Well, if it’s up to me I would even share the donations with this piece of shit. Because what do you mean by “supporting him”? Letting him earn some money by doing work? What’s the alternative? Letting him starve to death? Personally I’m against death penalty so I do believe that even the worst piece of shit has the right to work and earn living. And frankly, writing code seams to be perfect way for such a person to do it: they are not around other people so no one is in danger and they are not spreading his sick opinions. And people like this earning their living are better than society maintaining them out of our taxes.
It absolutely does not make anything ‘icky’, it’s a silly way to look at it, childish really. If a convicted murder bags your groceries is your food icky? If a child rapist cleans your street is the street icky?
And here we’re not talking about murder or rape, just some online posts. Opinions don’t taint code. I know people like to cancel everyone now but this is really getting absurd. The only “concern” users have is a concern that this week they didn’t get outraged enough and didn’t cancel enough people.
Personally, I would accept a PR from a convicted murderer if the code was good. It would be a problem I would have to have meetings with this person but if he just submits code why would I care? There are no political opinions in code. It’s not like code written by a rapist somehow pollutes my codebase.
I will just sit alone in the Iain M. Banks corner.
For private project free gitlab account. At work self hosted gitlab.
traefik worked for me once. Then I tried to use it again in a different and I didn’t manage to get it to run. Caddy is much simpler. Traefik is more powerful but just for Let’s Encrypt I would go with Caddy.
In what world anyone would think that CP implies consent? I mean, the word ‘child’ is right there. Do you think that the term ‘child soldiers’ implies consent? I don’t have anything against the term CSAM but if it was created because of doubts around consent it was a silly reason to create it.
I kind of suspected it’s better not to google it at work.
That’s what I thought. Back in my days it was called CP.
Yeah, I had the same issue. Sometimes it was the SD card, sometimes the network interface (not your case obviously), sometimes things connected to USB, sometimes it was running hot… I gave up and now I just run everything on an older Slimbook Zero. Yes, power consumption is higher (still pretty low) but so is stability.