For anyone reading this, please don’t follow this advice. It’s terrible and basically security through obscurity
For anyone reading this, please don’t follow this advice. It’s terrible and basically security through obscurity
Jetbrain’s rust IDE
Seriously. I can’t imagine writing rust without an IDE, that’s absurd. Rustrover is amazing
The users with custom name font also just stick out
You could probably do something with tasker to create these daily notifications
Lol wtf? The feds are going to knock down your door because of anime pics of people that aren’t even nude?
Google what an XY problem is. Do you have reading comprehension problems?
Yeah, and we need more info to help
What the shit kind of response is this. We’re trying to get enough info to answer your question
What’s the issue? And you should be using anyway
I was told the community is actually fauxbait. But the same applies, no one in there is even remotely underage
You know just enough to do it the wrong way apparently