Boy oh boy, it sure is a mystery why democracies have people vote privately
Boy oh boy, it sure is a mystery why democracies have people vote privately
I’ve recently had a couple of totally unrelated negative interactions with an extremely self-rightious “powermod” who has control of a few of my favorite communities.
This sounds like a good idea, since if I was to start shitposting about my experiences with a powermod, they could just remove my posts and ban me from the many communities they control.
But, it could just turn into a cesspool of vendettas and hivemind whingeing about mods x poster dislikes. Ironically, this community would require great mods to not just be a hate circlejerk.
Other fun games include Secret Hitler and Diplomacy.
Diplomacy especially has glorious backstabs, often from friends you would never suspect.
Does the post strike anyone else as “off”?
Like why is this person giving a full elevator pitch of who they are before they drop the bomb of “bluesky is toxic”?