Because it isn’t finished
Because it isn’t finished
Which was also how that voice only social media gained traction, I swear Clubhouse couldn’t make it clearer their whole point was creating the appearance of a super exclusive club.
My guess is they mean in the sense of “support creaters as you’d like, but don’t throw all your money into it just for them to pay attention to you for a second”
So far the closest I’ve seen up until now is Pixelfed integrating a signin with Mastodon by default
He get sus
Don’t get me wrong, its pretry good all around. Its privacy policy isn’t so bad either, as it seems it only shares your watch history with advertisers and I’m willing to give them that. Its just that if there’s an alternative that doesn’t do any if that I’d take it.
Also, Trakt seems to be one of the first big ones of its kind, so I fear that it could get bought off in the future and become an actual privacy nightmare.
Even if there’s no fediverse equivalent, an open source or even just a moderately privacy respecting one would be nice.
The UI reminds me a lot of infinity which is nice but yeah, sometimes it even just blanks out with no way back
Using Liftoff here, just throws an error
Any relation to the WordPress competitor Ghost or are there two blog platforms called Ghost