Keyguard is not open-source, only source-available.
Keyguard is not open-source, only source-available.
Desktop Bitwarden app is not open-source anymore.
Oops, a typo. Thanks.
Every time an open-source cloud gallery like Ente or PhotoPrism is mentioned, someone is sure to come along and talk about Immich.
I mean, Immich is cool, yeah, but it definetly is not a gold standard or something. Ente is a much more finished product.
Is there any plans on native mobile app? I am allergic to PWAs. Overall, good job!
2.What do you wish you would have known as a beginner starting out?
Caddy. Once you try Caddy there’s no turning back to Nginx or Apache.
I’m already a little familiar with Docker, but I’ll definetly need to get to know it better. Thanks!
Thanks for the advice! I’ll definetly look into these channels. Btw, I already know about awesome-selfhosted, but I’ll need to spend some more time going through the whole list and picking what suits me best.
Shiori has a 3rd party mobile client.