Mattermost does not have E2EE to my knowledge.
Mattermost does not have E2EE to my knowledge.
Not E2EE though, or at least not fully.
XMPP only does it with certain client extensions. And Matrix only does it when the rooms are set up this way. SimpleX does what you want, but is kind of unintuitive for the average user.
I say go with Signal, it does what you want and is idiot-proof.
How do I join the closed beta?
Consumer CPUs were lacking ECC reporting, so you never really knew if ECC was correcting errors or not.
Shit, this kinda screws with my plans to use the A380 as a transcoding card for my server.
There’s a way to run the client on Linux now? Awesome!
Yes, the only real drawback is the single channel memory connection, but that’s rarely a bottleneck.
I’d recommend to go with some form of mini PC. If you don’t need much CPU power there are some very cheap N100 ones where you can upgrade the RAM.
If you need E2EE there’s only Matrix. I wish it wasn’t the only option, but it is. For setting up rooms and so on you can use their Spaces feature, I think.
I’ve been looking for an alternative, too:
From the ones you mentioned only Matrix supports full E2EE.
Something like Immich or PhotoPrism is probably the way to go.
Have you considered TrueNAS Scale?
In case your Lenny client concatenates the dot to the link like mine:
How much effort have you actually put into trouble shooting the issue? Maybe it is just a wrongly set CPU governor (performance, instead of ondemand or something else)? Or a certain kernel flag that have to be set on boot?
I just wish NewPipe would open links automatically.
Hm, you could set up a virtual machine on whatever host OS and have Unraid run in that instead.
Honestly, when Unraid is the culprit, why not change that instead?
Does a PiKVM to enter the password manually count?
Does this support other targets like twitch VODs?