HTTP is TCP. And I’m pretty sure Minecraft uses UDP?
HTTP is TCP. And I’m pretty sure Minecraft uses UDP?
Is it just that https is on port 443 and minecraft is on port 25565?
How do you use Signal?
Edit: oh with notifications. Neat.
Mautrix Discord (look it up)
My point is that the protocol doesn’t work well for the use case.
And what do you do about other clients? What happens when the user wants to clear messages on the server when they’re fetched, but doesn’t want to do that for the social network rooms? What about moderation.
XMPP is good at a very specific thing and I don’t think its users would like all the necesary changes.
It works better than anything else.
Matrix is too hefty. XMPP is stateless sort of. ActivityPub just works.
That error happens because the room federation sync takes longer than the join client-server request timeout. Just try again.
Use it anyway.
Just use Conversations. It’s fine.
Simple Cal.And CardDAV server. Woks very well.
Yes you can do this. Two problems:
It isn’t fast. Watch your MTU.
Youll have to make sure return packets come through the VPS on their way back. You’ll have to set up those packets to masquerade on their way out, otherwise you’d see internal IPs on the internet (they get dropped immediately). You can either masquerade them on the inside so they appear to be coming from your VPS (internally), or if you want the destination computer to see the real Internet IP, you’d need to set up rules on the destinarion computer which routes packets through the VPS otherwise they’d return via the default gateway.
You can add multiple peers WireGuard but not multiple interfaces. If the IPs line up well it can work. You can also NAT through a device if the IPs don’t line up well.
Then you’re double NATed. Contact your ISP to see if you can forward a port.
What IP is your router bound to? Is it a public IP?
QUIC? Yeah I know. Interesting system.