Yes these are certainly words
Yes these are certainly words
Ah yes, pretending to be offended on behalf of a minority to gain attention, then when called out on it, pretending to be the minority themselves to gain favour
Your “refugee” parents simply didn’t give you enough attention when you were a kid, huh? 🤣
I’m sorry but this is a really offensive comment for dyslexics. Don’t you know how lucky you are to be able to read?!? Oh my god so angry I’m shaking rn
👆 You
I’m sure you think you’re making the world better, but I promise you, you’re not. You’re just trying to make it more about you, and it’s insufferable
I’m sure actual refugees have more to worry about than whether you’re offended on their behalf, mate
Oh my god, you’re still using Linux?!? I switched to Windows ten years ago and haven’t looked back!!!
Yeah, agree with OP, it’s a massive problem on lemmy too
Practice makes perfect
deleted by creator
I #me (i@myself) myself am happy #delighted (delirious@happy) to not have comments #posts (comments@posts) that look like someone crashed #accident (carcrash@death) their car while typing #fuckoffandjusttypeanormalsentence