it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
6w or so in idle, 50w under load with HDDs and RPi combined
Thing is that I got the HDDs lying around already. The hub supplies 5v/3A so powershould not be an issue… Yet who knows… I could try to power the HDDs from a USB power supply with a split cable and see if that helps
HDD, nothing else but the drives connected, doesn’t work
Anything that ends the bullshit one has to put up with with private trackers is a boon
I’m always very wary of systems that require a user to deviate as much from the “usual” structure almost all other services use. HAOS has really weird configs and “all the functionality” that presumably breaks when you use docker and don’t have the supervisor for docker… well… If what HA did was the way to go… whi is it that tons of services use docker’s rather powerful internal networking features just fine but HA of all things can’t do that and requires weird addons that for some reason cannot live on any other system than a Debian with weirdly specific modifications (bye bye cgroupsv2)? This will break most other functionality of that host Debian. I mean… if only there was a widespread-way to provide a highly customized Linux kernel in an ephemeral environment that can just be plugged in and out of a host machine without changing the host machine itself… Nah, can’t have that, let’s cause more overhead with a VM…
I’m not willing to make that kind of modifications to my whole setup just for HA and in the long run, this rift between “the way it’s usually done” and “The HA-Way” will become bigger and bigger, causing more and more problems.
I should found xxxistan.
Nothing like a foreigner spouting US centrism trying to explain to me how my country, my values and my culture work.
That is the most american logic I’ve read all week. Nothing of this makes a sliver of sense to a German. Absolutely none. The whole communism is so evil it has to be banned spiel is absolutely and purely American these days. There is absolutely nothing that qualifies Germany as an example because there is no grounds or will to publicly ban something like this at all. It’s like saying “don’t register a T-Shirt-shop about rivers as me.cong in the US, amirite?” And “comrade” in German would be “Genosse” which is related to the DDR, so…what exactly are you saying?
Why would Germany of all places ban a shop selling Che Guevara merch?
You could use kbin which can serve and display both varieties just fine.
Noticed it stopped working yesterday, wasnt at home so I couldn’t really get into it, just checked the docker logs via portainer on the go and was like “wtf is this error?!” Was relieved when I learned what the issue was and that it’s just a restructuring of the containers.
While it can be unnerving that they don’t shy away from breaking things in order to improve the service, it’s actually a very good thing and keeps the app from getting bogged down in some "but backwards compatibility"legacy code hell (wonder what some people in Redmond would know about that). Let’s just hope that they never publish an update that permanently breaks things when you haven’t followed a very strict weird update procedure or something.
Perhaps instead of mirrors to reddit, we should be working on linking those communities together.
While we’re at it: crossposts in general should go or he handled differently. The way things are, crossposts will create new posts with new comment sections like reddit did. Yet
a) if something is of interest to two communities, chances are, ppl who are interested are already in those two communities, so crossposts will only clutter their feed
b) it splits up the discussion unnecessarily
Why not have corrsposts as mere.links to the original post so everybody can join in? The way things are, each crosspost will turn into a circle jerk of all the same arguments regurgitated by different people in different communities.
12 yrs? That’s impressive!
--posted via Snapchat on iOS
nationalize? A global platform? That spells trouble. Big time. I’m assuming you mean “making it owned by the U.S. government”… I as a German take offence to that!
Oh, Reality-Norgur is well aware of that. Yet, I decided to let fantasy-Norgur take over for a bit ;)
In my eyes, Piped and such are the ideal solution, not peertube. Not, because peertube is bad, but because with using Piped, you can have your videos and you can have them on a FOSS surface, but leave the nasty tasks like paying for enough storage to host all those videos to the data guzzlers who get denied their return. Some real Robin hood shit right there.
We both is frustrated, but I are sure we overcame it.
Yeah, I think you’re looking for Monica at this point.