if those issues could be solved by software drivers would the cord free aesthetic be preferred?
if those issues could be solved by software drivers would the cord free aesthetic be preferred?
why cords? why not two separate wireless devices?
you can rent a time domain reflectometer for this purpose… it sends out a signal and then listens for the echos back and calculates the distance. problem is they arent accurate the first like 500 feet so you have to add a reel of 500 ft of matching cable to the end first. electrorent.com rents them.
weatherproof video projection for a large outdoor wall? smart mirror driver? ridiculous water fountain controller? jukebox with visualizer?
you wrap the web app in a shell of a native app with a web browser. it can pass through local hardware like microphone camera usb bluetooth etc. phonegap was a popular tool for this what 10+ years ago.
great product idea, i would love an open metacritic, but i cant find a front end to use this?
use a oscilloscope or logic analyzer
various reaction choices seems to be a better communicator… like on linkedin. i’d rather flag something as interesting or funny or ugh…
should there be a /thankspez meme farm community with trophies? or should we move on?
might be wrong instance? nail down the instance/capitalization of the account. change password to no special characters… verify on desktop first.
this is a great untapped business idea. people need an idiot proof but safe and yet a succession/trust plan. i struggle with phone backups too.