Documentation, screenshots, a forum, one click installer or simple line to paste into the terminal.
A soup.
Documentation, screenshots, a forum, one click installer or simple line to paste into the terminal.
I don’t like docker. It’s hard to update containers, hard to modify specific settings, hard to configure network settings, just overall for me I’ve had a bad experience. It’s fantastic for quickly spinning things up but for long term usecase and customizing it to work well with all my services, I find it lacking.
I just create Debian containers or VMs for my different services using Proxmox. I have full control over all settings that I didn’t have in docker.
Should be
I’ve always had issues with docker, especially when running it on a proxmox vm. I get weird network issues where when docker runs, the whole vm is cut off from network access (but my docker containers have internet). I also have problems with updates. Maybe it’s the whole virtual-ception of it all, a vm running docker running an application.
So far I’ve been getting by with running containers for every service (or VMs when I needed a gui since command line for certain things is tough.
I don’t like the idea of a single large server. If a node fails, everything goes tits up. If I have multiple nodes and one fails, my other services have zero downtime.
Convince me otherwise - I don’t work in this industry I teach boomers how to use MS Word haha.
Oh believe me I know. Hence getting more mini pcs and wanting a NAS. 10 vms is not enough!
I currently have a mini pc with amd 5800h. My thought was an n100 pc would take care of Pihole, Homarr, and other low cpu demand services. Minecraft server would go on my 5800h mini
That’s awesome!
Damn how does one amass 60 users? That’s a big ass family
I considered it pretty heavy equipment for just a single service but that’s coming from my experience running like 8 vms on an old gaming pc and tearing my hair out over how janky it all looks (it works fantastically for me tho)
“How do I convince my tech department to take on additional tech debt”
My bad. I’m so dumb that I see a shelf UPS and I assume this is some advanced network shit. I have an old gaming pc and a mini pc as 2 nodes in my home network.
Wait so you have like rack mounted server but only run jellyfin? Am I missing something here ?
My first proxmox containers with Pihole, Nextcloud, and all sorts of others were from him. Legend. Naming my Nextcloud instance after him.
That’s a neat application of LLMs. I echo the other comments here in that I’d want final say on file changes and the ability to only enable it for certain directories.
Debian! I have a Plex server on Debian and it’s been nice and stable. I stream 4k to two tvs at my house at once. Works well.
That’s awesome that you’ve got such an old PC doing so much!
I’m using an old gaming pc. 16 gb ram and i5 9400F. Less specs than what you’re looking for but I’m running Nextcloud, Plex (@4k), Pihole, home assistant, and an entire Debian virtual machine. All of that uses 10GB of ram.
If ya want budget, you can go really far with low specs.
Buy a NAS , sell my old gaming pc (acting as 1 node in my proxmox cluster of 2), buy a second mini pc, learn more about backups and fallbacks and all that fun stuff