I use it for fam and friends, special interest groups, and local events. It’s still a useful platform if you curate it well. It just takes effort. And Firefox plugins.
I use it for fam and friends, special interest groups, and local events. It’s still a useful platform if you curate it well. It just takes effort. And Firefox plugins.
“Do you know about our lord and savior, Linux? Let me tell you about it…”
I don’t understand the difficulty in understanding the fediverse. It’s just linked instances (servers), that can share posts if they want to. Pick one you like and sign up. Done.
If that’s too hard for people they probably don’t belong here.
Yep. Agreed - except it is yet another avenue for monetization should it take hold. People keep acting like the fediverse is some kind of incorruptible platform.
Interesting reading the responses here. I set static addresses all the time and have had zero issue over a decade +.
It isn’t trump’s people pushing the buttons. The people running around before Biden dropped out yelling “Genocide Joe” almost definitely weren’t under trump’s control, and were possibly paid foreign actors. The same was true 8 years ago.
It’s what jj122 posted… Click the link, then the link in the comment s/he linked to.
Any chance of bricking a drive with libredrive?
EDIT: My drive isn’t supported anyway. Thanks, though.
I poked around and found the solution to the issue in the MakeMKV forums probably just as you posted this. Thank you.
I guess I could have included that. It’s just a generic muti-error output stating it couldn’t find any files or that the source may be copyright protected - something I figured libdvdcss was supposed to work around.
Hmm…gave that a try just now and it said the version was too old (? odd, it was the latest listed) and asked for a registration…
Not sure what I did incorrectly, but that was the route I started on before looking for other ways to backup my collection… I dropped the libdvdcss in my Handbrake directory as was suggested on other sites, but Handbrake throws an error every time.
“Controversial” is what that would be called. Do we need a third vote instead of double-vote?
I’d rather keep the status quo. While I realize that the vote visibility can play into the hands of mod/admin/instance owners with nefarious or petty vengeful purposes, we also can see who bad actors are in the vote system - iow a bot or person perpetually downvoting subjects they disagree with yet not participating.
But people need to be aware that the votes are not private.
We could split the difference and users could get auto-notified if their vote was viewed and by whom. That way it’s a two-way street. The mod/admin can see your votes, the users know that their vote was accessed by that mod.
Second choice would be that all users are anonymized by a hash so that bad vote actors can be removed via their hash being associated with malicious or other bad acting, but to discover who individuals are the admin would have to do the legwork of follonf multiple posts/ comments to associate the hash.
No perfect solution.
Don’t know how that would be implemented, but someone needs to watch the watchers.
Otherwise hide the votes if trust of anonymity is paramount.
I agree in principle that .world containing most of the fediverse’s activity kinda isn’t great for the idea of the democratic nature of the fediverse. However, the point of the ‘verse is that anyone can spool up an instance if they dislike it, or start more communities on existing instances. If .world were to disappear it would suck, but that’s part of the problem with any instance in an informal community. Any of them can disappear.
That’s unfortunate. I switched to kbin from Reddit and really liked the community feel. That’s what sold me on the fediverse. But seeing as there wasn’t SSO across from kbin to lemmy, I had a second account for the latter as there was a lot more activity on lemmy and I used kbin less and less as the site spent more time broken.
I agree there should be some more formal way of letting community operators know their instance is going away. However, the fediverse not having any way of enforcing any such rule, means we’re still looking at individual whim determining whether or not an instance will simply disappear overnight or give users time to move.
If anyone cares to check my comment history they’ll find a crapton of rebuttals to anti-biden comments that were NOT deleted by anyone.
I don’t disagree that it’s an issue, the only thing I can offer is that Linux shouldn’t be a community full of controversy needing block/bans of participants - the issue being is views the .ml mods do espouse being placed deliberately or left as propaganda.
I’ve commented there on a /news community with sourced points to make my argument and was basically told to shut the F up and had my comments deleted.
So I blocked the community.
I’m not sure how to deal with extremist mods any other way. Their instance, their community, and other than defederating and putting a lot of effort into restarting and growing any valuable communities on another instance while keeping the undesirable .ml gang out, I’m not sure there is any other solution.
Again? 2019…2013…and however many other “exodus” articles are written. Facebook is still the biggest. Must be a slow news day.