It would be nice if I could use (my name)@(mydomain) and just point (mydomain) at whichever public instance, without having to spool up my own instance.
It would be nice if I could use (my name)@(mydomain) and just point (mydomain) at whichever public instance, without having to spool up my own instance.
If they find Lemmy “too hard to understand”, do we really want them here?
I used the same approach at the family business for years without any major problems. Go for it.
You can set up a simple, dumb thermostat in parallel, to act as a failsafe. Set it 5 degrees below your lowest heat setpoint, and even if your server crashes, it doesn’t let your house freeze.
Censorship isn’t built in to the fediverse. You’re free to create your own instance and publish anything you want, completely exempt from any form of censorship.
I found this: https://bluewallet.io/watch-only/
Since it doesn’t use the wallet’s private address, you should be able to use any public address, and not just an address for your own wallet.
Are they just trying to raise funds for something else?
If my shotgun starts making strange noises, I check the brownies.
The only technology in my house is me, and I keep a loaded shotgun next to me in case I make a noise I don’t recognize.
(Am I doing this right?)
I use Tasker to log my weight to a Google Sheets spreadsheet, and just use a dumb scale.
The only piece of technology in my house is a toaster from 1982, and I keep a loaded shotgun next to it just in case it makes a noise I don’t recognize.
I don’t think it really matters either way. The bell can’t be unrung, and it sounded the death knell of the private health insurance industry.
I get it. Have a snickers.
Lemmy really needs an app with a de-moderation feature, like Uneddit did for Reddit.
The modlog is great, but it relies on the user going out and looking for power-tripping mods. A better option would be a client app that parses an instance’s mod log and restores and highlights moderated comments.
Censorship might be necessary on today’s platforms, but it is still an evil. Censors need to be closely monitored by the community.
Ok? So?
I’d like to compare lists with a bunch of people like OP. It would be handy for average Lemmings to know which communities have moderators with sandy cracks. It would be super useful for admins looking to improve their mod teams.
Are you saying there aren’t a metric fuckton of power-tripping nutjobs in self-appointed positions of authority in the Fediverse?
Hybrid hard drive. Basically, a hard drive with a large solid state cache.
Actual shipping would vary depending on location, but sellers are padding the shipping charge so they can display a lower unit price.
Need to add shipping charges to the price…
There’s also “Tasker App Factory” which allows you to export either an individual task or a complete Tasker project as a standalone app.
I still don’t know what Google+ was trying to be.