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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • One thing that was only mentioned briefly by someone else is the physical button turning on the computer.

    Similar to the paperclip test figure out where the power button goes into the mainboardw and bridge that with a short cable. Is possible that by moving the case the old button lost a cable.

    This is just one more thing to test though, it’s really trial and error as you know :)

  • From what I understand: CasaOS is simply an abstraction layer and takes away a lot of the manual work.

    I agree with you that this shows down learning quite a bit.

    I see three ways forward for you:

    a) switch to a Linux base system, Debian, arch, nixos, whatever resonates and set up everything from scratch. High learning curve but no more hidden things.

    b) same as a but as a separate setup. This is what I would recommend if you have the time and cash. Replicate what’s already working and compare.

    c) figure out how to do things manually within the CasaOS framework. Can’t help you there though :)

  • (not OP but same boat) Doesn’t really matter to me because google knows my servers external IP which is a non-issue: I don’t expect google to try to attack me individually but crawl data about me. There is no automatic link between my server and my personal browsing habits.

    In terms of attack vector vs ease of use , self hosting searxng is a nobrainer for me - but I do have an external server available for things like that anyway so no additional overhead needed.

  • No worries I phrased that quite weird I think.

    A NAS is only more power efficient if the additional power of a full server is not used. If for some reason the server is still needed than the NAS will be additional power consumption and not save anything.

    (for example I run some quite RAM and compute heavy things on my server which no stock NAS could handle I think).