On what basis can anyone declare one instance to be the ‘main’ one? I’ve seen a number of people claim the same thing about .world, but none of them need to be considered the ‘main’ ones. The entire motivation for the creation of the fediverse is to allow segmentation… I think people simply want to make it an issue because without these little cross-community spats things get boring.
Yea, but that kinda nails the pettyness of it, doesn’t it? They don’t even gain anything by having people adopt their software, nor do they suffer a loss by a boycott - and it’s all because they have some questionable (to put it charitably) opinions about an entirely unrelated political issue.
The thing that gets me is that launching this diatribe over the developer’s political opinions on an open sourced project that’s built specifically so that no one group or person has control over the platform - that you have complete control over the instances you federate with - ends up looking an awful lot like protesting public libraries over providing access to ‘woke’ books.