Is this a joke?
Is this a joke?
Yeah this happened to me too. I guess I made bad choices.
I don’t think partisan is even the right word here as many Lemmy users are too far left for mainstream political parties. In fact I am further left than most any mainstream party, but am still considered a capitalist shill by people here.
I don’t think anti-tankies can be blamed when said tankies regularly engage in brigading of other instances. Like is everyone actually behaved this wouldn’t have been an issue.
I wasn’t the one calling myself a tankie, learn to read usernames. I am not a marxist so can’t be one anyway. Are you a pacifist or something? Because it sounds like you oppose all militarism.
Except tankies are authoritarians, and some even support the CCP, who are basically a dictatorship. How is this left wing again?
I am not going to say that tankies are right wing like this guy you’re replying to. What they are is confused people who tried to join the left for the wrong reasons and ended up becoming authoritarians because of it. That or you fell into a cult-like group that spreads misinformation.
Also Tankies saying they like liberals is a new one to me. Normally they like complaining about liberals. I’ve been called a liberal for some of the most asinine shit imaginable, basically just because I don’t immediately agree with them.
So you acknowledge the Uighur cultural genocide then? Also you weren’t denying the Tiananmen square massacre earlier? Why are you in this comment section if you don’t deny these things? It’s specifically complaining about Tankies who deny both those atrocities committed by the CCP.
But to think that our government, should it become communist, should be allowed to kill people in order to maintain a socialist or communist society is just straight up wrong and as far as I know that’s what a tankie is, someone who thinks that Tiananmen Square and Stalin’s reign of terror was just a necessary evil in order to strengthen the communist societal norm.
All governments kill people. That’s what governments do, specifically militaries do. I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong for a socialist or communist nation to defend itself. What’s wrong is countries killing peaceful protesters for no other reason than vocally disagreeing with them. That’s what makes Tiananmen Square and Stalin wrong, not just that they killed people.
Bro your the one supporting genocide denial, that’s the reason people are fighting you. Stop doing things like that and maybe “the liberals” and everyone else will leave you alone. In fact no one actually mentioned liberals until you did. You are the problem here.
That’s not what’s happening here. Not all marxists are okay with covering up Tiananmen Square or supporting the CCP. I used to be part of a Trotskyist org and they wouldn’t be caught dead supporting either Stalin or the CCP. Anarchists certainly aren’t okay with it, and they are further left than you are. Stop pretending all your enemies are liberals.
I think he means the cat
Check the usernames
On that same note, if I were born in communist China, I would never call myself Chinese.
What does China being communist or not have anything to do with this conservation?
This post is massive misinformation. They claimed to be “Irish and Scotish” yet they were born in America. It’s classic Americans pretending to be something they aren’t to make themselves sound cooler, because it’s not cool to be American. They then start claiming they are descended from British royalty and all sorts of things. They took that comment out of context to make me look like the bad guy. Also tried saying they had stronger blood than me or some shit. It’s mental.
You don’t get it do you? The English conquered and oppressed the Scottish, Welsh, and Irish. If distant heritage is all that matters to you then surely I should be here oppressing you.
No I didn’t. Literally never been to America.
Yep born and bred in England.
I actually am from England though, as I was born and raised in England. This person is an American pretending to be something else.
Already done that. This is the only one that supports working with sonarr and radarr afaik.
If right wing (or even other leftist groups) came into an explicitly tankie community and started arguing with people how would you react?
Also do you actually know what tankies are? They aren’t the majority in any country I know of. Non-tankie doesn’t even mean right wing. Anarchists are further left than tankies.