QT, writing C++, or both?
Paying for a good technology can be cheaper in the long run if you save development time.
Only until the price gets jacked up beyond what you can afford, and then you’re scrambling to rewrite your entire application to use something else that’s still affordable.
And sure, developing in C++ is more expensive than JavaScript, because you can’t let cheap web code monkeys do it.
An awful lot of code is written in C++, so I’m not sure that was ever a serious constraint.
I think I made it quite clear, that I set the scope for the desktop. There are several.
Sure, if we’re targeting desktop only, then there are lots of options: GTK, wxWidgets, Swing…
But what does it matter? You can’t ignore mobile in 2023.
They want to make it impossible to block other machines by address? Including ones that are attacking you? That’s a horrible idea.
Also, this sounds like it will require way too much intelligence in the network itself. The Internet works because the big trunk routers do very little processing per packet—just look at the destination address, decrement TTL, and send the packet to the next router. If trunk routers have to do a lot of per-packet processing or keep track of every single node on the network, they’ll fall over very quickly.