If you have a laptop/something that runs off a battery, upower
If you have a laptop/something that runs off a battery, upower
Great stuff. Thanks!
Do you need to run the Intel cards with an Intel CPU to get the quick sync benefits? I upgraded my desktop last year and am going to convert my old Ryzen 5600x system to … something. Not sure what yet though. Just working on my options.
The real answer?
Data is transmitted in packets. Each packet has a packet header, and a packet payload. The total data transmitted is the header + payload.
If you’re transmitting smaller packet sizes, it means your header is a larger percentage of the total packet size.
Measuring in megabits is the ISP telling you “look, your connection is good for X amount of data. How you choose to use that data is up to you. If you want more of it going to your packet headers instead of your payload, fine.” A bit is a bit is a bit to your ISP.
How often do you update your off-site backups?
I have an old desktop downclocked that pulls ~100W that I’m using as a file server, but I’m working on moving most of my services over to an Intel NUC that pulls ~15W. Nothing wrong with being power efficient.