If you’re a programmer rather than a professional typist, you probably can use it at work. It took a couple of weeks for me to adjust, a couple of months to be fluent, but it would have been longer if I didn’t use it all day every day.
The biggest hurdles for me personally were
I didn’t touch type properly before. I was a fast typist, but my hands roamed freely over the board. I realised that the finger I used to press a key depended on the word where it was used, and that took ages to re-learn.
I bound enter and space to mode shift holds for symbols etc. It works great, but it does mean I sometimes hit enter and send half a slack message instead of typing punctuation.
If you’re a programmer rather than a professional typist, you probably can use it at work. It took a couple of weeks for me to adjust, a couple of months to be fluent, but it would have been longer if I didn’t use it all day every day.
The biggest hurdles for me personally were