Crazy how many people like you reply to me as if they have a point.
Oh well, at least it makes ignoring easier. Goodbye.
Crazy how many people like you reply to me as if they have a point.
Oh well, at least it makes ignoring easier. Goodbye.
It’s just the mob mentality taking hold.
I’ve heard this, but haven’t seen it explained how to do it.
Good question. I’m not sure. I still don’t even know how users can block entire instances, just communities within those instances.
Because they don’t know what’s going on and are just trying to fit in.
I will be leaving if defederates with threads.
Just give users the ability to block instances themselves so we can be done with this.
Stop letting other people make decisions for you.
It doesn’t have to be horrible. It can just be something you, personally, don’t want to see.
It is.
We shouldn’t let these losers bring us down with them.
I totally agree.
Users should have the power to block instances themselves, not just moderators.
Totally agree. It’s unfortunate because a lot of people in the fediverse have social and reasoning skills similar to those on 4chan.
They just don’t get it because they live in a bubble with other people who don’t get it.
I fully support this.
I totally agree! It’s unfortunate you’re being downvoted!
These are literally people who want to make these decisions for you! Fuck them.
Yeah, another fail from the design team.
Kinda stupid how much we value having power taken away from us and given to random people on the internet.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the power to block instances yourself?
That way these discussions don’t even need to be had. People can control the content they want instead of arguing with each other over what others should see.
I want a server where users can make these decisions for themselves.
Fuck this mob-mentality spurred upon by losers.
Quality > quantity.
The masses have been duped into forgetting that.
Great explanation. So sad whenever I see people spout ‘data privacy’ as a reason to defederate from threads.