Unless you already have it, to be honest
Unless you already have it, to be honest
FreshRSS is what I use and I can create my own feeds using X path, it’s kinda great but too much to explain. I wrote a blog about it.
yeah but I kinda dislike cloudflare. Tailscale is based on wireguard which is cool
Check out tailscale, the best tool ever to access a server without opening ports or doing hard stuff
Hmm. AntennaPod supports syncing with Next loud via a Gpodder’s API, if each kid gets its own next loud account it should work fine
Well you can install it locally and get the web interface via localhost, but if it’s a proper server you can access the news from your sources from anywhere and you can also use 3rd party apps in your phone to get a different interface via the API
FreshRSS, news and websites fetched your way. You can even create feeds for websites that don’t provide one
I made a blog about this. Make sure to follow it via RSS too ;)