Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Are there obvious, inherent pitfalls to deregulation of anything at all? Yes.

    Is it absolutely necessary for it to exist? Also yes. Self sovereignty is both dangerous and absolutely necessary…unless you WANT Uncle Sam to be able to put a short time-limit on spending your tax return once they adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency (and they will). With a CBDC controlled by the Fed, we will be subject to money that expires and other features that feel like bugs that go hand in hand with a central power controlling a currency.

    Agree to disagree then. You don’t seem to grasp my points and I don’t grasp yours. Peace.

    As my rant above detailed, I’d be happy to give up my belongings if I lived in a truly communist society. But I don’t. So, I hold onto my possessions tightly since it is literally the way I survive.

  • I suspect you should listen to your own counterpoint:

    Don’t walk down the street because someone might rob you.

    Don’t use your computer because someone could hack you.

    Don’t go swimming because it is possible to drown.

    Throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

    An uncensorable ledger not controlled by any one party is (at the very least) a valuable technology with unique abilities despite scammers using it for gambling.

    The digital equivalent of uniqueness is (at the very least) a valuable technology with unique abilities despite assholes using it for Bored Apes.

    Just because you can’t see the use case, doesn’t mean we need to stop innovating.

  • Scammers:

    • don’t tend to share any of their their source code
    • usually have an initial token allocation where insiders are given early access to more than 15% of tokens. (this one is a CRUCIAL)…Obviously, the best ITA is one where the tokens are 100% available to everyone at once.
    • heavily market their cryptocurrency before it even has a use-case (most projects fall into this category)
    • their governance is centralized to some charismatic Elon-bro that talks about price all the time
    • don’t let you use any wallet you want (self-sovereignty is CRUCIAL)
    • don’t give you access to your keys at all times (again, self-sovereignty)
    • are usually just some governance token or ERC-20 or some quickly minted Solana token ($LIBRA $TRUMP $MELANIA were all obvious scams)
    • never have a viable peer-reviewed white paper
    • their code is NEVER formally verified by neutral parties
    • use technologies that are not auditable
    • use technologies that are not decentralized

    I’ve spotted many scammers a mile away just starting with this list off the top of my head.

    For instance, I am the moderator of and actually locked my own communities until I see the source code.

    I like the tech from what they tell me. But, I can’t, in good conscience recommend it yet because it ticks some of the above scammer boxes.

  • Yeah! How dare people try to have wealth that is actually borderless and self-sovereign. Those idiots are scammers! I will own nothing and be happy. Get out of my way, I need to step in line to bow before the Federal reserve (an organization that I fully admit is corrupt to the core and the very root of the issues in our society). I’m actually a Marxist living in a capitalist society. So, I am too cool to worry about the fact that I actually need money. I’ll just pretend that I don’t need it even though I REALLY do. I’ll do whatever I can to piss on viable alternatives to the Fed just because people were degenerate gamblers and got owned by obvious scammers. Sure the fed can take away my money for no reason, inflate the dollar so that my savings are worth less every single day, and do whatever they feel like with my money but that is a good thing because scammers exist in the world



  • I stand behind this idea 100%.

    I’m sorry you have to start from such a defensive place about the crypto aspect of this idea. Don’t let hivemind anti-crypto people get you undermining or apologizing for your vision. It is the right way to do decentralized finance.

    Most people would recommend ETH or BTC but I’d actually recommend you stay away from ETH because of the inherent non-determinism of the accounts model.

    Full disclosure: I might be slightly biased since I moderate Cardano’s communities on Lemmy but, if you want the stability of BTC’s UTxO with smart contracts, I’d recommend Cardano. Decentralized in most every way including governance, fully open source, and utterly parallelizable (due to the UTxO nature of it).

    You should also consider BTC or Monero if you don’t absolutely need smart contracts. But don’t let the investor moonbois get you using ETH or Solana. They’re both incredibly flawed and most likely unfixable (in ETH’s case because of nondeterminism and in Solana’s case because of centralization).

    Good luck!