• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • This is my wireguard docker setup:

    version: "3.6"
        image: linuxserver/wireguard
        container_name: wireguard
          - NET_ADMIN
          - SYS_MODULE
          - PUID=116
          - PGID=122
          - TZ=Europe/Stockholm
          - ALLOWEDIPS=
          - /data/torrent/wireguard/config:/config
          - /lib/modules:/lib/modules
          -  # Deluge webui
          -  # jackett webui
          -  # prowlarr webui
          - 51820:51820/udp           # wireguard
          -  # Deluge RPC
          - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
          - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
          - net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
        restart: unless-stopped

    Can reach the webuis from LAN, no other network configuration was necessary. is the server’s LAN address. The other services are configured very similar to your qbittorrent, and don’t expose any ports. Can’t promise it’s 100% correct but it’s working for me.

  • Going full ergo is great, and I also think it’s sad that we’re stuck with legacy keyboards. Though I don’t like typing on ortho unless it’s also split (and preferably a little tented), the columns don’t line up with my fingers unless I keep my forearms close together. Staggered keyboards at least have diagonal-ish finger movements, even though the angle is different for left and right hands.

  • For LLMs it entirely depends on what size models you want to use and how fast you want it to run. Since there’s diminishing returns to increasing model sizes, i.e. a 14B model isn’t twice as good as a 7B model, the best bang for the buck will be achieved with the smallest model you think has acceptable quality. And if you think generation speeds of around 1 token/second are acceptable, you’ll probably get more value for money using partial offloading.

    If your answer is “I don’t know what models I want to run” then a second-hand RTX3090 is probably your best bet. If you want to run larger models, building a rig with multiple (used) RTX3090 is probably still the cheapest way to do it.

  • Based on the comments here, it sounds like you and others agree that the majority of people who responded to your initial post didn’t do anything wrong, but you thought the overall experience was negative due to a few mean comments, right? So with this meme post, you portray the entire community as a bloodthirsty mob who got angry at you for asking a question. Do you see how this could be considered “not nice” to the people who wrote helpful comments, those who downvoted the negative comments, and people who didn’t even see your post but are still included in the ergo mech community here? While those who wrote mean comments to your post should consider being kinder to newbies, perhaps you ought to consider being kinder to everybody else.

  • Do you mean that you want to build the docker image on one computer, export it to a different computer where it’s going to run, and there shouldn’t be any traces of the build process on the first computer? Perhaps it’s possible with the –output option… Otherwise you could write a small script which combines the commands for docker build, export to file, delete local image, and clean up the system.