This is the way it should be.
I’ve never understood the people who get upset over ‘necroing’ a thread, whether it is on an old school forum or something formatted like Reddit.
Don’t talk to me unless you’re an alien, a time traveler, an esper or if your avatar is also Haruhi Suzumiya
This is the way it should be.
I’ve never understood the people who get upset over ‘necroing’ a thread, whether it is on an old school forum or something formatted like Reddit.
We did it, Reddit
Some idiots out there think this meme is racist. Lol.
If you’re in the house, just use an elaborate series of mirrors.
If you’re somewhere else, just use an even longer elaborate series of mirrors.
That’s where it came from. Back in the day when everyone on 4chan was some type of “fag”:
-Newfag - new users
-Oldfag - old users
-Normalfag - normally-adjusted human being not on teh interwebz, later became shortened to “normie”
Maybe someone can fill me in on this because I don’t know anything about it. “LibsofTiktok” is clearly just a right wing actor making liberal viewpoints look stupid, yeah? No one who actually identifies as “liberal” would ever willingly call themself a “lib.”
For technical discussion, sure. I’ll be one of the first people to say look at the sticky, look at the pins, look at the megathread, read the FAQ, read the wiki.
For purely social discussion like casual chat, entertainment discussion, or random musings, I would say it doesn’t make sense.