That’s sick, unfortunately too late, ended up ditching full fat vs, employer wouldn’t pay for rider so I just went full into vscode and then vim/helix
What do you use Rider for that can’t be easily done via CLI?
That’s sick, unfortunately too late, ended up ditching full fat vs, employer wouldn’t pay for rider so I just went full into vscode and then vim/helix
What do you use Rider for that can’t be easily done via CLI?
So the pi takes over dchp and assigns itsself as a DNS server? I assume if I want to assign static IPs I have to do it through the pi from then on?
Can’t use pihole because I’m running NixOS on my pi and the only way to run it is via docker container (which melts down my system, believe it’s trying to emulate x86 for some reason)
That might be the way to do it. I’m somewhat unfamiliar with networking, what does DHCP do?
I’m guessing I would need to get a modem too then, no? I’ve got the BT router that takes the DSL connection directly currently
That’s fair, personally keybindings always struck me as something easier to automate than pay for