If you are handy with basic soldering and some programming, you could easily wire these to a controller, and program them to a key. That’s what I did with the ones I had.
If you are handy with basic soldering and some programming, you could easily wire these to a controller, and program them to a key. That’s what I did with the ones I had.
Are you looking for a bare pedal that you can wire to a controller, or something that’s ready to plug in?
For something that’s ready to be wired to a controller, I used a couple of these: https://www.amazon.com/Momentary-Operated-Controller-Industrial-Anti-Skid/dp/B07KN6GLYD
They’re a single firm clicky button, with relatively short travel. I never really had any issue with them being pressed too easily.
No QMK specific community that I’m aware of either, but in addition to this one there’s also mechanicalkeyboards@lemmy.ml but it’s pretty quiet over there.