Sorry! I know it’s been ages, but this is what I use:
Sorry! I know it’s been ages, but this is what I use:
Not so long ago I had the same question myself, and I ended up setting 1 Postgress instance and 1 MySQL instance for all services to share. In the long run, I had so many version and settings incompatibilities across services that moved back to one DB per service that is tuned specifically for it. Also, I add a backup app to all my docker compose files that have a DB in it. This way, backups happen periodically and automatically.
Gotcha. Thanks!
Hello again! I am trying Flatcar, and I really like the concept. I had not used immutable distros before. I have a question: How can I apply changes to the configuration? I have a YAML file with the butane config and transpile it to a JSON file with the ignition configuration. How do I apply that new configuration? Do I have to delete the VM and start over again, or is there a way to update it inside the VM? I looked around in the official docs, but did not find anything :(
I use it too! I really like it :)
Looks good! I’ll give it a try. Thanks!
This is my plan B in case I can’t find a lightweight distro to replace RancherOS. Thanks!
This looks super interesting. Thanks! One question though; can I still use it if I don’t want to use Kubernetes? I just want to deploy a few containers here and there. I was thinking about moving everything to Kubernetes, but it seems a bit overkill for the 10 containers I have running.
I’ve tried it in iOS, and spent a lot of time fiddling with the settings, but for the life of me I can’t get a decent resolution from it. I get very distant points and I was no able to improve it, so I gave up :(