That’ll do the trick. Get yourself a powered USB hub and connect a bunch of SSDs to it, then jam the hub into your mini PC. You’ve now got yourself a NAS in all ways except looks.
That’ll do the trick. Get yourself a powered USB hub and connect a bunch of SSDs to it, then jam the hub into your mini PC. You’ve now got yourself a NAS in all ways except looks.
Honestly a raspberry pi or equivalent on diet pi ( is probably a good start. Though with the caveat that you should use its internal utilities to create an off-site backup of your most important data via a provider such as hetzner.
Cheap, low power, and diet pi is Debian with some tweaks so it’s very easy to set up either bare metal or via containers (as others have said containers may help manage things easier and safer in the long run).
For storage, you’ll probably either need an externally powered USB dock (30ish EUR) or a powered 3.5inch HDD dock if you go this route as the pi cannot reliably power even one SSD from its USB ports - you’ll risk IO failures. The same will come from any setup that includes any low power SBC just for stability. In my experience it’s still less than 15W but you need stable power for IO stuff on SSDs.
because bluesky has had a collective struggle session recently with the twitter posters migrating over and realising they’re not actually being welcomed in open arms, usually when they out themselves with shit like genocide denial and transphobia.
just because the middle aged white guy with terrible opinions isn’t catered to on platforms where the first users were ones fed up with middle aged white guys with terrible opinions, doesn’t mean there’s a problem, if anything it indicates federated social media is resistant to bullshit
mine is a pi 4 but basically the same, just shoved inside a box for protection
“turn this place into an echo chamber” motherfucker Lemmy world has 10 times the users, and the only “echo chamber” shit I see is insistent Kamala Harris cope and seethe whenever someone mentions Israel or Palestine.
Meanwhile Lemmy . world mods change the TOS to spite individual communities, ban discussion of piracy despite it being perfectly legal and present on a different instance! Grow up.
Every influx of users and the usual suspects who are DESPERATE to have Lemmy turn into Reddit start pissing and shitting themselves that maybe their American liberal opinions arent dominant anymore.
This shit is pathetic.
Yup, already keep an off-site copy of the important stuff via Hetzner but my Linux ISOs are the big data hogs