I’ve found diode leads are too thin and fall out or sometimes fall to make contact. You need the matching pins since the have a larger pin diameter
I’ve found diode leads are too thin and fall out or sometimes fall to make contact. You need the matching pins since the have a larger pin diameter
You did your link backwards. The text is the url and the url is set to “these”.
You would spread it across the MCU. I’m not sure what the best way is to keep it perfectly smooth though. You could hide it with electrical tape if you really wanted to (is that what you mean by slicing tape?).
You could use a hot glue gun. If you ever need to take it off, isopropyl alcohol will cause it to unstick without any damage.
How would you make money as a mastodon instance? Pay to be a member? I don’t see the incentive for the average user to pay when it’s so easy to join a free instance (I’m considering the average person doesn’t know how to host their own).
Top right icon when you’re in a post. It’s like a hamburger menu but each layer gets smaller as it goes down.
Placing the Jerboa icon where I used to have the Boost was so nice. I’m still waiting to see when kbin gets an app. The mobile experience is rough.
I just wish it wasn’t so expensive