Yeah, when you have the VPN running all of your external traffic should go through it. It starts to get complicated when you only want a specific container/user to use/bypass the VPN.
Yeah, when you have the VPN running all of your external traffic should go through it. It starts to get complicated when you only want a specific container/user to use/bypass the VPN.
Likely the same deal with the platter drives too.
You can buy a $400 900GB HDD, so OPs price gap is actually pretty narrow.
AI is great, if used properly. It’s a tool, not a solution, and needs a ton of refinement.
My company has spent tens of millions of dollars and a year plus refining our AI platform, to the extent that we’re directly responsible for a leading cloud platform’s current and future offerings. We’re even at the point of them offering their services for free because we’re putting in so much work.
Properly using generative AI is possible, but most companies don’t want to pay for it.
What’s the make and model of your server?
Since the server is on an N100 that could very well explain it.
Have you tried changing out ethernet cables and trying different ports?
Also, try hosting the speed test from your laptop and running the speed test from the server to see if the results are reversed.
Have you checked out either Calibre-server or Readarr? They’re servers specifically for managing text libraries.
Trust me, I’d have more, but my wife would kill me for spending $3k on hard drives
glances at their 32TB NAS
No I’m not.
You really don’t need a server for this functionality. You could handle everything locally with a bit of python and use an s3 connection or something to set changes remotely. It should be an extremely simple project.
It’s not like he’s developing a product that needs to meet FDA regulations or support hundreds of or something.
The easiest solution would be to get a digital picture frame that you could access remotely. You might also look into smart TVs that have an API for messages.
Really, you could make one pretty easily with a raspberry pi or arduino.
A strong, unique password.
API calls aren’t the only thing they’d be charged for.
It was in response to the claim of lost sales being higher than the AWS bill for the integration
It doesn’t really matter. The people who care are going to be a very small percentage of the population.
I mean, people still buy nestle products, and they’re straight up evil.
No one is going to remember this in a week besides the people who weren’t likely to buy their products to begin with.
I misread the comment, for sure. I thought they were talking about the call the letter referenced.
Right, but I highly doubt the back tracking is because of potential lost sales. It sounds more like the financial people got the legal people involved and they sent a C&D without asking the tech people for a solution. Now the tech guys are doing damage control for the idiots.
I’ve been that tech guy, and I know the general population either has no idea about this occurrence, or they forgot as soon as they scrolled past.
You’re showing your bias as someone who’s knowledgeable about technology. It’s not uncommon for people with an interest in something to assume that knowledge or interest is universal. It’s not.
The average consumer has absolutely no idea how technology works, and they have no interest in knowing. They’ll just buy off the shelf garbage because brand name and nothing else.
I mean, why does HP’s printer division still exist if “everyone” knows they’re a shitty company that will brick your printer if you use 3rd party cartridges? Why do people buy Tuya devices even though they’re essentially Chinese government spying devices?
It’s because “everyone” doesn’t know. And they don’t care.
Ugh, I need to get off my ass and install a rack and some fiber drops to finalize my network buildout.