By all means pay attention to rocks, you don’t want one to fall on you, or to trip over one. Just remember if you kick it, or try to persuade it, you will suffer and it won’t.
I’m more than happy to be moved off the position if something presents itself, so far nothing has. Nor do I reject a general spiritual position, I would even say I have had experiences best described as mystical but I don’t see that as anything separate from the mind.
That we inhabit a small corner of something so vast that we can in a very real sense never interact with most of it. That even if we could, makes no special allowances to us and would end our lives simply by its nature. Is what leads me to conclude that there is no intrinsic meaning. What would be the meaning of a star? What even would be the shape of it’s meaning?
We have no reason to think that the moon would be much different if we never were as a species never were, aside from some tyre tracks and some litter. Of course, the man in the moon, or the rabbit wouldn’t be there without humans to see them, but those are things we project onto it.
It was a pleasure. It is always good to have a conversation about these things, and I am pleased you were open to one.