There’s a separate graph on that page for comments, which are up around 17 million.
There’s a separate graph on that page for comments, which are up around 17 million.
This should say total posts, not average, right?
My point is there could be a @taylorswift but it doesn’t matter because people know which account is hers.
Taylor Swift’s Twitter handle is @taylorswift13 and it doesn’t seem to be a problem for her.
Interesting. This explains why posts never seem to have more than a few likes on the small Mastodon instance I use. I have to say I’m not a fan.
This is exactly what worries me about this idea.
Thanks! All good now.
I’m getting “[200] Error while sending: Failed to send direct message” when I try to log in.
Interesting, the other numbers all match the graphs, but that one is wrong.
I would report it to them but it seems like you need a github account to do that.
June 11 here too lol
Beehaw might be a good one.
I think the best solution to this is a way to migrate an account to another instance, which I’ve heard is in the works.
I never realized the importance of squatting.
Thanks for the info!
Thanks! This got me some other stuff mixed in, but searching “” worked well.
How do I find the accounts to follow? Is there a list somewhere?
I like @DarthPutinKGB rounding out the list at #100.
This is showing the total number of posts, not just new ones. The title is really misleading…