Ah, I see. A youngling who never heard of the usenet.
Ah, I see. A youngling who never heard of the usenet.
For the purpose of protecting important data, the distinction really doesn’t matter. And the good old xkcd comic has a point - for many people, all relevant data is in the user’s accessible storage area anyways. Hence me running almost all internet applications and steam in a jail.
Okay, fair point, let me rephrase: if someone knows what kernel (admin) level execution means, and installs a game that requires this on a computer where they keep important data, they are a dumbass mtherfcker :) Generally speaking though: most people shouldn’t be allowed to use technology - humans are unbelievably stupid for the most part.
we just need one pvp game with kernel level anti cheat
Leaving aside that security patches should be done, if you install that kind of game on a system where you have any data worth protecting, you’re a dumb ass mtherfcker. Sorry, but seriously, that’s just how it is.
Good. Fuck the Zuck
that’s not a verb, that’s an emote. Considering you chose the dumbest possible username for lemmy, I am not surprised you wouldn’t understand that.
Also: There’s a substantial difference to you searching for “anroid” clients and making a post based on those search results.
My excuse being the lemmy android app message editor being bugged, getting out of sync when deleting characters.
it would probablyhelop if the search prompt is not written by a dyslexic… shakes head
“Let’s just give the Nazis a chance at government. I want to see if they actually are a problem, you never know it might just bring some interesting new politics.” – most Germans in 1933
Since you refuse to acknowledge that the explanation is right there in the text, I’ll have to assume you have ill intent.
I take it you got tired before getting through the first paragraph even the first time reading? No one is talking about “defeat EEE” - it’s about protecting yourself against attempts to use the EEE strategy. And the article explains exactly how defederating is relevant in that regard.
If you wait until it’s a practical problem, chances are it’ll be too late.
That’s not how EEE works.
and with the usenet
Left this in another response to previous poster, but since you summarized the points, I wanted to link the article as well: https://ploum.net/2023-06-23-how-to-kill-decentralised-networks.html
Privacy is the less relevant point here. Keeping the fediverse alive is the central point. Just look at reddit to see how corporate greed can fuck up a social network. Or google groups killing the usenet by “federating” with it. If you want the expanded version: https://ploum.net/2023-06-23-how-to-kill-decentralised-networks.html
at this point I can only assume that people who have a problem with defederating from Meta are either Meta trolls or lack the cognitive abilities to participate in the fediverse and we’ll have to live without their participation.
You are either blissfully ignorant of how corporations work, or you are a corporate shill.
Seconded. Fuck Meta.
I noticed they seem to be intentionally locking out smaller domains and I hope that backfires. Not holding my breath though.