• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • How is ceph working out for you btw? I’m looking into distributed storage solutions rn. My usecase is to have a single unified filesystem/index, but to store the contents of the files on different machines, possibly with redundancy. In particular, I want to be able to upload some files to the cluster and be able to see them (the directory structure and filenames) even when the underlying machine storing their content goes offline. Is that a valid usecase for ceph?

  • I really wish email had a built-in aliases feature. Like, so you can create unlimited new addresses that just point to your normal inbox. That would help so much with spam, since you could just block individual aliases. I know some email providers have this feature, but usually it’s paid. Plus Addressing is also nice, but it does nothing to hide your “real” address. Also I’m disappointed that end-to-end encrypted email is basically never used by normal people.

  • For a while I had a low-power server for my personal things that stayed on all the time, and a more powerful computer that hosted a minecraft server. As the player count dwindled, I decided to make the minecraft server automatically shut down at midnight, and wake up at 8 in the morning using rtcwake. And eventually I disabled the rtcwake thing entirely, and made the smaller server run a webui that could wake up the minecraft server using wake-on-lan. So if anyone wanted to play, they would first have to remotely turn on the server through a web page. This was all password-protected ofcourse.

    Also, no, I don’t use a UPS. I’ve never seen anyone use a UPS in the country where I live, and I don’t think I’ve experienced a power outtage in like 4 years. Whether or not you need a UPS seems to be largely dependent on where you live.