Nvidia Shield Pro with the default launcher disabled & replaced, Plex server. I’m pulling the unused apple TV out of the media setup this week.
Nvidia Shield Pro with the default launcher disabled & replaced, Plex server. I’m pulling the unused apple TV out of the media setup this week.
I definitely read all your memes. Thank you for your service!
Star Trek, Linux, and a smattering of other memes… that’s all I need!
I’m not sure if your goal is to set up nextcloud or to learn docker compose while setting up nextcloud. If you just want it up and running, you could use DockSTARTer to get it going. Heck, even if your goal is mainly learning, you can always tear apart the compose file that dockstarter generates and compare it to your own.
I’ve used both, and the trackpoint is massively superior for high speed touch typists. Trackballs are a hard pass for me.
Build one with a proper trackpoint and useable mouse buttons and I’ll buy 5 instantly
I use flauncher. It’s ugly and doesn’t have a lot of features but I don’t care. I only have two apps installed, so I’m rarely looking at or using the launcher anyway.