Following a guide on how to make something is different than understanding what you’re doing. By all means go for it. I think if you want to enjoy self hosting, skip to that part and come back to creating a router in the future.
Transfered from as they closed up shop unfortunately.
Following a guide on how to make something is different than understanding what you’re doing. By all means go for it. I think if you want to enjoy self hosting, skip to that part and come back to creating a router in the future.
Trying to create a router yourself is complicated. I knew nothing about it and installed OpenWRT onto a Netgear router and was unprepared. I ended up effectively taking a YouTube crash course trying to understand so many new networking terms and more. I got it working but any small tweaks could cause issues as I didn’t fully understand what I was doing. I bought a GL.iNet Flint 2 and have been super happy with it. Save yourself a headache, get a good router like that and start having fun running things on a RPi.
I know Batocera (which is primarily for retro gaming) has a way to launch Steam games. I wondered myself if there was a way to connect GoG too
You can use the Polycentric protocol on Grayjay, though I doubt any creators actually read it.
Thank you. I clearly need to prioritize learning more about ports. I have had little time to try fixing this issue (hence why this comment is so late) but figured out it was VPN related. My phone’s VPN was blocking connection. After enabling local network bypass another SMB entry appeared with the accurate IP, if required me to only enter my username and then it connected fine.
I did and got the same results unfortunately. Good to know though, thank you
I did. Not nearly enough to manage my own router unfortunately