Thanks for the post. Something on my browser only shows the pie charts and doesn’t let me scroll down.
Thanks for the post. Something on my browser only shows the pie charts and doesn’t let me scroll down.
It just gives current stats, not historical trends. I don’t think it is any answer to OPs question.
EDIT: I was wrong, it was an issue on my side.
I don’t think you’ll get anything that is a real drop in for Partiful.
Weird. I haven’t experienced that before.
Just block them? I block people all the time. It really makes for a better experience.
This is pretty cool. I’m not in the market for a keyboard right now, but on my next one I’m going to see if I can get one with a tiny screen and the other stuff I like.
I really wish they’d have some type of tagging system. I’ve blocked so many anime communities. I wish Lemmy would let me just ban that tag instead of playing wack-a-mole.
I wouldn’t worry about it. I make mistakes all the time. And for some fucking reason I can’t always stop myself from correcting others’ mistakes, like some pedantic asshole.
There’s that DMZ area between the too-uninhabited ghostland and the ugly masses. I think we’re still in that area.
So a fair reflection of reality? I get that. I have different venues to escape reality myself.
Man, those prices are really good. Wish I had even that little bit of free money, but these days it’s a little tight. I’m going to bookmark for when I finally get some cash flow again.
That show context link doesn’t do shit for me. I thought it was just a glitch in the latest update or something. It used to work.
I don’t know if I’m alone on this, but I just bought the biggest 5400rpm HDD that was in my price range when I set up. Might notice the slower speed when doing a big data dump, but for streaming purposes you can run many 4k streams concurrently and the bottleneck would probably be your network speed before you hit a drive read bottleneck.